syns : after Hogg and Eisen: Bayswater, Boughton, Black Naples, Brown Hamburgh, Clare, Clémentine, De Saint Jean, Hanover, Madonna, Large White Turkey. Also Magnolia, Dalmatian


Described by Duhamel (1755), Miller (1768), Hanbury (1770), Brookshaw (1812), Anon. (1828), George Lindley (1831), John Lindley (1841), Rogers (1834), Morren (1852), Holley (1854), M’Intosh (1855), Thompson (1859), Hogg (1866), White (1868), Barron (1868c, 1891), James Anderson (1874), Hyde (1877), West (1882), Massey (1893), Burnette (1894), Wright (1895), Forrer (1894), Eisen (1885, 1897, 1901), Earle (1900), Price and White (1902), Starnes (1903), Starnes and Monroe (1907), Van Velzer (1909), Hume (1915), Potts (1917), Gould (1919), Cook (1925), Mowry and Weber (1925), Davis (1928), Traub and Fraps (1928), E. A. Bunyard (1925, 1934), Stansel and Wyche (1932), Condit (1921b, 1922b, 1941b, 1947), Arnold (1926), Fruit-Grower (1936), Woodard (1938, 1940), Delbard (1947), and Preston (1951). Illustrations of the fruit in color are by Brookshaw, Anon. (1828), John Lindley, Morren, and James Anderson. Illustrations in black and white are by Potts, Price, Traub, E. A. Bunyard, Baidi—P.I. No. 80,294, from Palestine. Belle Dame—P.I. No. 69,010, from France. Belle Dame Blanche—P.I. No. 86,790, from Yalta, Crimea. Blanche d’Argenteuil—P.I. No. 92,304, from France. Brunswick—P.I. No. 93,276, from England. Col di Signora—P.I. No. 102,099, from Morocco. Dalmatia—P.I. No. 102,010, from Morocco. Dor—P.I. No. 101,715, from the Caucasus. Kennedy—P.I. No. 69,017, from France. Kennedy—P.I. No. 102,015, from Morocco. Khurtmani—P.I. No. 80,297, from Palestine. Magnolia, from Texas; cuttings from local trees at Greenwich, Connecticut; also, from the vicinity of Washington, D.C. Reference to descriptions of some of these varieties found elsewhere in this report will show that the names are not synonyms of Brunswick; therefore, the material was sent incorrectly identified. Castle Kennedy is similar to Brunswick, but is generally regarded as a distinct variety. According to Rogers, the Brunswick “was introduced in the early days of Miller under the name of Madonna, which ought never to have been changed; but on the accession of George I, it was named as above.” Lindley used the name Brunswick in preference to Madonna because it was the better known of the two. The name “Magnolia” appeared in a publication by Thomas Affleck in 1854 as a synonym of Jaune, a French fig. Sometime previously, a tree peddler had gone through parts of Texas offering magnolia trees for sale; when planted, it was found that the trees produced figs rather than magnolia leaves and flowers, hence the name of the variety. Van Velzer stated that Brunswick had many pet names, among them Magnolia, Hanover, and Madonna. He added: “Those who still contend that the Magnolia is a new variety, distinct from the Brunswick, can discover their error by studying the leaves, bark, wood, and fruit, which have characteristics and habits that distinguish it from all others. Some nurserymen profit from this misconception by buying cuttings of Brunswick trees at a much lower price than is asked for Magnolia wood, and selling them afterward as the same stock.” Audibert Frères (1854) described Figue Clémentine, a variety designated as Aubergine at Avignon. Both Thompson and Hogg regarded Clémentine as synonymous with Brunswick. In Japan, some growers have confused Brunswick with White Genoa; it was once a popular variety, but has been superseded by Dauphine. In Texas, the Brunswick (Magnolia) is grown extensively as a preserving fig. It is commonly found as a dooryard tree in the southeastern United States, and at Washington, D.C., there are prolific specimens growing along the south wall of the Naval Observatory (plate 2). The variety is not so popular, however, as Brown Turkey, because of the tendency of the fruits to split and spoil. In Northampton and Accomac counties, Virginia, Brunswick fig trees are common, and are locally known under the name “Silver Leaf,” though the significance of the name is not clear. In California, trees of this variety are dwarf in habit of growth unless watered copiously. Small commercial plantings have failed to be profitable, as the production of canning figs per acre is considerably less than that of Dottato. As pointed out by Chandler (1934), the Brunswick is incompletely parthenocarpic in California, as fruit buds are forming and dropping prematurely all summer. In Texas, this fruit drop is almost or quite negligible on vigorous trees. George Lindley regarded the Brunswick as one of the most useful of the hardy figs in England, especially on walls with a southern exposure. It is not recommended for forcing under glass in comparison with Brown Turkey, as the immature figs are inclined to drop. Trees, at least in California, are slow-growing, spreading, with fairly thick twigs; the terminal buds are green. Leaves, as described by Miller, are more narrowly lobed than those of most other varieties; such leaves especially characteristic of heavily pruned trees with vigorous branches, are 5-lobed, with deep sinuses, the basal lobes auricled; margins of lobes coarsely and irregularly crenate; base cordate; leaves from fruiting branches somewhat glossy above, 3- to 5-lobed, with lobes broader and base truncate (plate 13). The following description is of fruits produced at Riverside and at Fresno. Breba crop generally very small; brebas large, up to 3-3/4 inches long and 1-3/4 inches in diameter, pyriform, decidedly oblique; neck a continuation of the body, or hardly distinguishable from it; stalk thick, often swollen up to 1/2 inch long; ribs few, indistinct; eye medium, wide open, scales pinkish; surface mostly dull, somewhat glossy at the apex; white flecks fairly numerous, but hardly conspicuous, becoming masked as fruit matures; color reddish brown, with a tinge of violet in the sun, much lighter brown to greenish on the shaded side and on the neck; meat white; pulp amber, with a tinge of pink, hollow, texture mealy; flavor flat, lacking character; quality fair. (Plate 21, A.) Second-crop figs medium, oblique-turbinate; average weight 42 grams; neck absent; stalk thick, up to 1/4 inch long, often prominently swollen, as shown by Condit (1941a, figs. 4, A and 9, B); ribs inconspicuous, commonly colored more deeply than body; eye medium, open, scales violet-brown; white flecks numerous and conspicuous, irregular in size and shape; skin checking at maturity; color bronze; pulp amber, tinged with strawberry, hollow at center; seeds small, or rudimentary, the fruits therefore commonly referred to as “seedless”; flavor sweet, fairly rich. Quality good fresh; excellent for preserving; inferior for drying. (Plate 21, B.) Caprified figs strikingly different from uncaprified ones, larger in size; average weight 67 grams; color bronze, shaded with violet, especially on ribs; pulp deep strawberry, solid; seeds numerous; flavor sweet and rich.

Fig Lover Banjarnegara

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